Saturday, August 20, 2011

all start on 1.40am 020310

those digits, it mean the world
i always thought you would be the one for me
apparently not

ive been asking the same question everyday.
how obvious could i be
so that you know that i'm falling out in love with you
you've been the same guy
for almost more than 1 years and a half
and after what you said to me just now,
i'm crying literally. like non stop.
thank you :')

because of you,
till then xoxo

Friday, August 19, 2011

happy 20th birthday :)

as this is my first post
i would like to wish my best friend birthday
his 20th birthday actually :)
its 12 august but sorry for the late post!
*hey u should be proud okay since ur my first post!

okay let me introduce to you,
this young man
who happen to be my best friend!
well he addressed me tht way

this guy
muhammad nidzam bin muhammad saroni
or @nizamsaroni! *follow this troll at twitter. haha kidding!
yeahhh its his real name, im not making it up :p
cuz a lot of my friend get kinda weird with his name
and even my lil sister called him *ur friend yg nama pelik tu LOL

first of all, sorryyy nizam!
i stole ur picture. its his bbm picture actually and one of my favourite picture
hoii i told u already aite! haha
the moment i saw this picture terus fikir nak letak dlm blog
serve ya right! ;p hahaha

he's good at playing piano, guitar (he just learned) *well kinda nice for a beginner
yelaa aku ni tempat mendengar song yg dia create kan
ohh and he is lady gaga freakk! goshh
he almost wanna colour his hair like her *okay yg tu tipu. hahaha
he ask me to do tht but naah, u crazy? satg saham aku jatuh la kan -.-

okay k k k k k k
nuff with that
since i'm officially broke! like superr broke,
im sorry nizam, i couldnt get u any present :(
sempat buat this one je
itu pon come across my mind 15 mins before ur birthday!
dahla buruk :( sorii tau wey!

2 candles represent ur age! 20 years old
yes yes awak lagi tua dari kita! tapi pendek tak tinggi tinggi jugak -.-

so thats it
happy birthday nizam and
dasvidaniya :)